Find Qualified Tradespeople For Your Job

100% Customer Satisfaction

How Need A Tradie Works for Homeowners & Businesses

Complete our job submission form with the specifics of your project. The process is straightforward, quick, and free of charge.

1. Submit Your

Interested qualified tradespeople and builders will review your job details and respond through the platform with quotations. Although they won't have access to your personal information, tradespeople may want to call you to discuss your project further. You will receive notifications when responses start coming in.

2. Receive Interest & Quotes

You can view and compare all the responses from tradespeople online to find the best fit for your project. Each tradesperson is rated by other property owners, providing helpful insights to guide your decision. Once you've chosen the best candidate, simply proceed to hire your preferred tradesperson.

3. Compare &

After your project is completed, we'll invite you to return and rate the tradesperson who worked on your job. Your feedback will assist other property owners in making informed decisions.

4. Return and Rate Your Tradesperson

How It Works for Homeowners & Businesses - Explainer Video

How Need A Tradie Works For Tradespeople

Browse through job postings that match your trade and expertise. Access detailed project information to determine which jobs interest you. Only registered tradespeople can view job postings.

1. Review Posted

Depending on your membership level, you can express interest in projects that interest you. Respond to job postings by submitting your quotes and providing additional information about your services.

2. Express Interest and Respond

Once homeowners or businesses review your quote and express interest, you can contact them to discuss project details further. Note that you won’t receive personal contact information until homeowners choose to engage with you directly.

3. Connect with Homeowners

After completing a job, encourage homeowners to return to the platform and leave a rating for your services. Positive feedback will enhance your profile and help you secure more projects in the future.

4. Complete the Job and Receive Ratings

How It Works For Tradespeople - Explainer Video

About Us

Welcome to Need A Tradie, your go-to platform for connecting homeowners and business owners with qualified and reputable tradespeople. Our mission is to make finding reliable tradespeople fast, easy, and affordable.

At Need A Tradie, we are dedicated to building a community of trusted professionals and satisfied homeowners and business owners. Whether you are a homeowner seeking reliable tradespeople or a tradesperson looking to grow your business, our platform is designed to meet your needs efficiently and effectively. Join us today and experience the ease and reliability of finding the right tradesperson for the job and the right job for you!

Why We Started

We understand the frustration and uncertainty that comes with searching for dependable tradespeople. Many homeowners and businesses have struggled with finding skilled professionals who offer quality services at reasonable prices. Need A Tradie was born out of this need for a trustworthy, efficient solution to connect homeowners with tradespeople they can rely on. Whether you need a man with a van, a spark to rewire a bedroom or a joiner to hang some doors, Need A Tradie is your go to platform.

Highly Skilled Professionals

Customer Satisfaction
0 %

Extensive Industry Experience


Do you find it hard to find a suitable tradesperson?

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